Road map
The project is focused on DEX exchanges.
The project will not provide money for integration into the CEX exchange (In this case, we pay for listing, + the exchange has a profit in the form of a commission from trading, + has a commission for the withdrawal of funds by fans of the project. Any exchange indicates the listing price based on an analysis that shows how much money the project can attract on average if the exchange itself created the project, so this is equivalent to buying users by selling users unsecured coins, the price of which is up in the air. But the listing price will be overpriced on average, so there is a risk that the project will attract less capital than it gives to the CEX exchange. The current reality is this. Nobody wants to give money, if there is money somewhere, they will take it themselves.)
Money should be saved, not given away.
The project prohibits trading DOGE CLONE (DOGAMG) coins with leverage on any exchanges and strongly recommends that users never use leveraged funds.
As for price volatility, I tend to think that our project should have low volatility. Because I am a fan of SP500. It will also give less stress to the fans of the project. But if the fans of the project want to see space in the future, they should prepare for high price volatility. It is much harder to reach space with low volatility than with high volatility.